Solar Services

Solar Panels & Solar Installations | by Barrier Insulation, Inc.
If you are searching for “Solar Panels”, “Solar Panels For Sale”, “Solar Panels For Home”, “Best Solar Panels” or “Solar Panels Arizona”, look no further than Barrier Insulation & Energy, LLC. We currently offer solar panel installation services across the valley of the sun for your residential or commercial needs. Our service area includes Phoenix, Mesa, Scottsdale, Glendale, and more!
Solar Panel Installation In Arizona
Installing solar panels for your Arizona home or business is one of the smartest energy investments one can make today. Arizona experiences more sunny days than any other state in the country, so take advantage of the sunlight by installing solar panels. Add value to your home and save money on monthly bills at the same time.
Are Solar Panels Worth It In Arizona?
If you are wondering whether solar panels are worth the investment for your commercial property, the answer is a resounding yes! Solar panels can offset electricity costs by upwards of 75% per month. Additionally, business owners can deduct up to 85% of the system cost from their taxes. Other benefits of solar panels include the following.
- Reduces Electricity Costs
- Quick Return On Investment
- Maintenance-Free
- Power Costs Will Be Locked In For Years To Come
- Huge Tax Rebates For Businesses
- Can Be Financed With No Money Down And/Or Low Monthly Payments
Save Money With Solar Panels In Arizona
Commercial facilities that installed these solar panels tend to save up to 75% on monthly utility bills. It only takes an average of 5 years to pay off your commercial solar system, which leads to 25-35 years of free electricity. Here are a few ways your business could save even more money after installing solar panels:
Federal Tax Credit
A federal tax credit can save new solar installers upwards of 30% of the cost of the total panel installation.
State Tax Credit
States like Arizona offer a 10% credit, which helps offset the cost of the panels.
Accelerated Depreciation
Commercial property owners can deduct up to 85% of the system’s total value from their business taxes. Any business that opts for solar panel installation can enjoy these benefits.
- Offset Electricity Usage By 75%
- Save Nearly $1,500 Per Month
- Pay Off System Cost In 5 Years, On Average
- Enjoy Free Electricity For The Next 25-35 Years
Why Go Solar?
Here are the top five reasons why so many Arizona residents are choosing to install solar panels!
Arizona Has The Most Sunny Days In The U.S.
According to BestPlaces, Arizona currently receives more than 299 sunny days. That is the most in country, even including the sunshine state of Florida. Since other energy sources like gas and oil are finite, solar power clearly has its advantages. Investing in solar panels today will save you a large amount of money in the future and add value to your home at the same time!
The State Will Help You Pay For Solar Panels
The Arizona government offers solar tax incentives to individuals and businesses investing in solar panel systems. Known as the solar energy credit, this incentive can be worth nearly 25% of the cost of a solar panel device up to $1,000. The government credit can also be utilized for other systems, such as cooling, lighting, and other electricity. This is the perfect incentive to take advantage of if you are looking to save money by going solar.
Federal Tax Credit
The federal government is offering tax credits to homeowners opting to go solar. These credits have been worth between 26-30% over the years but change annually. Experts say homeowners who choose to go solar will save $25,000 over the next 25 years.
Lock In Utility Costs For The Next 25 Years
With solar panel installation, you have the ability to lock in your utility costs for the next quarter of a century. Utility rates are constantly going up and seemingly never coming back down. Take away the certainty of rising costs by investing in solar power today.
Solar Panels Increase Your Home’s Value
In Arizona, adding solar panels to your home will increase its value by 2-3%. Plus, new homebuyers will usually pay more for a house with panels already installed. This means homebuyers pay an average of $15,000 more for a home with panels.
Solar Panel Service & Installations Valley Wide!

Phoenix, Arizona

Mesa, Arizona

Scottsdale, Arizona

Glendale, Arizona